Double-click to flash drive for the verification of copied files.The copy portion is the longest part and the last step that depends on the size and number of files to copy.Tap to the “Log” button for saving output details in a separate window.

It will take time according to the ISO image.Click the “OK” button for preceding the process. Tap to start button, a pop-up of destroying all UFD data will appear on the screen.An auto-button will adjust the best-matched setting.From checkbox tap to optical drive button, and search ISO image for use.Select partition type and the system you want.Rufus needs not to install, you have created an account with admin access for making changes to the hardware.Only click the button above to download the file and follow this instruction to create a bootable flash drive. The Rufus Download from Softmany is a complete offline setup installer of the software. How to Rufus Download and Create Bootable USB How to Rufus Download and Create Bootable USB.